Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Fourth Point of Power

What do you want?  Such a powerful question, but yet is so marginalized with echos of mass mindedness.  Many wants expressed are those things we should want.  The 'shoulds' seem to be the reverberations of our sub-culture...peer group, family system, religious order, social organization.  What do you truly desire, something even beyond your perceived purpose in life?  What is that Vision? The vision coupled with our life purpose is the material that our Creator can partner.

Most adults lack the sense of real vision.  Some just desire a better job and becoming debt free --- arriving at zero.  Many more have a negative vision, knowing what they don't want, don't like...less grownup and more given ups!  Some have a diminished visions, always focusing on the means and the outcome or results---rationalizing a reason rather than realizing the vision.

This great point of power is expressed as Ask for What You Want! The whole of the universe - our Creator and fellow co-creators are waiting for your request.  What is your Vision, What is it that you Want?

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