Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Paradox of the Comfort Zone!

Most of us are familiar with the concept of the comfort zone.  Challenging this zone of familiarity involves 'risk' and some form of fear...resistance, judgement, terror, pluralizes, escapes.  Interestingly, the riskiest of all places is this comfort zone.  It becomes the place of standing dead.  Avoiding risk might have a number reasons; fear that we might get what we want, fear of failing, losing what we have, or might not be able to manage success.  The attraction of the comfort zone is predictability and familiarity.

Chadin once said, "You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience.  You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience."  This concept is essential for any person seeking "comfort" - each of us is created in the image of our creator; we are spiritual beings.  We are designed with the power to create, to exercise our will, use our intuition, employ our be fully alive.  To be fully alive, I must live not "having to know" but believing in my ultimate security as a creation of the creator.  The comfort zone becomes the place of "having to know" even if it is a miserable knowing.  It becomes a place of having to be right!

A first step in breaking free of the tyranny of the comfort zone is telling the truth.  By exercising your will and say, "I choose to feel afraid", "I choose to avoid people", "I choose to be miserable".  Only when owning your decision can your circumstance begin to change.  This is a decision of becoming responsible for your experience

When you know you are an expression of the Creator, you have made all of the choices that have shaped your experience.  You give up blame, the rent you pay to dwell in the comfort zone.  Blaming others and circumstances surrenders your personal power.  What are the results that you want in your life?  See yourself as having arrived; how does that feel? Write it down!

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