Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Call to Arms!

The secret of fortune is joy in our hands. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write the “call to arms” note you’re sending to everyone (staff, customers, suppliers, Board) charting the path ahead for the next 12 months and the next 5 years. Now take this manifesto, print it out somewhere you can see, preferably in big letters you can read from your chair.*

     Greeting staff and Freedom Graduates!  Today we are faced with the dilemma of many of your friends and acquaintances that are living lives of quiet desperation.  A desperation of living a life of unclear meaning and purpose.  Each day that passes is one day of less joy, peace and love that is theirs to enjoy.  They have believed in many ways that what they are living is as good as it gets and must get to death as safely as possible. They are enduring unnecessary stress and sorrow.   Our understanding of living an abundant life is not a secret to be kept.  I cannot, you cannot let the fear of their opinions stop us from sharing the tools and understanding that is gained in our program of Roots and Wings.
      In the next twelve months we can have 90 in the three remaining seminars of 2011 and 60 more in the first three of 2012.  Within 5 years we can share our wealth of experience and tools with another 1500. 

Russ Hardesty 25June2011

*Sasha Dichter

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