Friday, June 24, 2011

The Voice and Sound of the Accuser!

Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong what is against it. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

      From the earliest memory most everyone heard this voice, the one of the Accuser!  It might have had the same sound as a parent, relative, teacher, tv or movie personality,  peer or anyone that was present in our world.  It's message questioned the integrity of thoughts, ideas, even worthiness to exist.  The power of these messages soon became perceived truths about our selves.  This leads to what I call, "horizontal thinking" ... taking my meaning by comparing myself to others.  There will always be another that does that which 'seems' to be superior which often leads to either perfectionism or abandonment of that which is desired.
     Horizontal thinking begins to discount our ordinary; "we are our most potent at our most ordinary."* Imitation of others, abandonment of self, and 'settling' become a way of life.  Often our response is to gather those that we perceive to be needier, weaker, and dependent to give our lives meaning.  Our genius resides in our 'ordinary'...excellence becomes our objective when we leave that horizontal plane and choosing the 'vertical' to celebrate, nurture and challenge what seemed so ordinary by comparison.

     The Accuser is powerless; it seeks to suck the energy from your Genius for it own.  It lives on the horizontal disguising itself as your friend!
  • What is the voice and sound of your Genius?
  • How does the Accuser speak to you?
  • What are those accusations that rob you from your excellence?
  • What is one actionable step that you can do today to confront the noise?

*Patti Digh


  1. Great thoughts. Russ. As I think back most of the statements that play in my head are those said to me in jest by wonderful people who werent aware that what they were saying would stay with me forever.

  2. Action step to be posted later on a blog near you.
